Connie Morrison, "Word 2007: Beyond the Manual" | Apress | ISBN-10: 1590597990 | March 12, 2007 | 300 pages | PDF | 14.7MB
Ifyou're familiar with Word, but not Word 2007, this is the book for you.Word 2007: Beyond the Manual focuses on new features of Word 2007 aswell as older features that were once less accessible than they arenow. This book also makes a point to include examples of practicalapplications for all the new features.
Written by ConnieMorrison, a university instructor of Microsoft applications, this bookwill help you grow into a confident Word 2007 user. (The book assumesfamiliarity with Word 2003 or earlier versions, so you can workeffectively with the material here.) Overall, this book cuts to thechase by skipping over basic or obvious features to get you up andrunning with Word 2007 in the shortest possible time.
Apress Word 2007 Beyond the Manual
iexjc 发表于: 2008-4-27 19:49 来源: 扑奔PPT网
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